
Mr. Manuel Bustos, director of the Ángel Ayala Institute of Humanidades, has just published a new book edited by Aula Magna, on the construction and deconstruction of society from the Enlightenment.


The 18th century is commonly called the ‘Century of the Enlightenment’ or the ‘Age of Enlightenment’, since it was intended to illuminate a world that was historically considered to be in darkness. The Enlightenment developed a series of ideas (freedom, reason, tolerance, natural law, natural order, etc.) that served as the basis for the construction of the contemporary world, at the expense of the secular Christian tradition. In the long run, this meant a profound break with it, a paradigm shift.

Likewise, the posing of serious challenges at the very heart of our culture, while at the same time leaving important issues unresolved. Starting, above all, in the sixties of the twentieth century we will enter a time of revisionism that leads to a profound crisis, in which we still live, giving rise to what we call postmodern culture, a time in which the great ideological constructions have fallen, the moral foundations of society have collapsed and a relativistic and nihilistic era is opening up.

The main objective of this thought-provoking book is to explain this long process of change and crisis, based on the writings of its protagonists and the times in which they lived.