The University Diploma of Expert in the Social Doctrine of the Church of the CEU Angel Ayala Institute of Humanities is a training initiative aimed at those students who wish to deepen their knowledge of the major issues affecting life, family, society, politics, and economics, from the perspective of the Catholic Church.
Proporciona habilidades para comprender los argumentos y participar en el debate cultural de nuestros días.
Start and end dates
October to June
9 months
30 students
MONCLOA CAMPUS Julián Romea 23, 28003 Madrid - Spain
Viernes de 17:00 a 20:00 Sábados de 9:00 a 14:00 Dos viernes y sábados al mes
Vilarroig, J. (2025) CEU Ediciones ISBN: 978-84-19976-60-4
Valderrama Abenza, JC (2023) Tirant humanidades ISBN: 9788411831253
Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C; Hernández Hernández, C y Sánchez-Pita, F. (2024) Editorial Dykinson ISBN: 9788410703285
Cayuela, A. (2024) Tirant humanidades plural. ISBN: 9788411838115
Anrubia Aparici, E. y Valor Moncho, P. (2024) Editorial Dykinson. ISBN: 9788413698144
Ariza, F. (2024) CEU Ediciones ISBN: 978-84-19976-49-9